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Under Grawlix

A member registered Aug 13, 2019

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i'm so sorry, yeah we just didnt finish it. it was for a game jam and we didnt have enough time :( thank you so much for playing as much as you did, it really really means alot. even a year later.

Had a lovely time playing, it plays really clean and the visuals are fantastic not just cause of the great art but also the layout and design.

Only bit of feedback is that the lyre mechanic sound is jarring and a little unpleasant, seeing as it's the main mechanic I felt enticed to use it a lot but felt punished for doing so.

Perhaps something softer or catchier? Something the player wouldn't mind listening to over and over again. 

Other than that it was awesome, huge kudos to every aspect of the game, even the sound dept. Thanks for your work, guys !

I am 2,000% mad excited for this.